Jumping Spider Pet Care

Jumping Spider Pet Care: A Comprehensive Guide

As every living thing has various requirements to survive, likewise Jumping Spiders also have multiple compulsory needs, including a lifeful environment, the right food, and others. Additionally, Jumping Spiders Pets are less powerful and bearable than the Wild Jumping Spiders, so they need special care.

Don’t consider it a daunting process, because you just need to provide everything on time to your loving Jumping Spiders. As you know, Jumping Spiders Lifespan ranges from 6 months to 3 years, but it totally depends on care.

Most pet spiders die soon due to less care, but our guide on Jumping Spider Pets Care will help you to enhance the lifespan of your pets up to 3 years. Hence, keep reading this detailed guide to provide your spider a cozy and healthy environment. Let’s get started!

Jumping Spider Pet Care Guide 2024

Here are some essential factors to protect your Jumping Spider from any health inconvenience:

Lifeful and Peaceful Environment

Although Jumping Spiders can easily live in any kind of environment, they require a spacious home for them where they can jump without any problems. You must make a home for your pet in a container, sizing approximately 1 cubic foot.

There must be some holes in the lid of the container for ventilation, and you must protect them from direct sunlight. Generally, they don’t make webs to live but they make nests like other birds, so provide them with any material like clothes to make bed.

Food Care

One of the amazing facts about Jumping Spiders is that they can live up to a week without eating food. But food is necessary to survive, so you must give your spider insects like small crickets and flies after every 2 to 3 days, because they like them a lot. But don’t give them ants, because they don’t like them, injecting formic acid by pinching them.

Most spiders also like starfish and webworms, if you afford them you should give them to your spider. All you need to do is just to put any insects in the cage of your spider, it’ll eat by itself.

Water Needs

Sufficient water isn’t good for spiders, because spiders have lungs called Book Lungs in their abdomen. The name Book Lungs is given to their lungs, because they’re just like pages of a book. When you give water to your spider, it can get stuck between these pages, creating difficulty for spiders in breathing.

So, they need only a little bit of water, you can say the water, a drop of mist. One of the best options is to give water to your spider using a spray bottle. If you have got a spray bottle, spray at the side of its cage which will be enough for them; otherwise, you can put 1 to 2 small drops of water in the cage after every 1 to 2 weeks.

Interact Your Spider

Friendliness is one of the most attractive abilities of Jumping Spiders, therefore, they love to interact with you. Distinct spiders have different natures, some are peaceful, some are shy, some are skittish, and some are friendly. So, you must interact with your spider to know its nature to deal with it in the future.

If your spider gives you a full mood, get it out of its cage, and put it on a table to see its jumping ability. On the other hand, if your spider doesn’t feel comfortable with you, you must not tease it, because its nature could be peaceful or skittish. In that case, by providing your spider pet a cozy environment, you can train it according to your interest, so to do that our guide on Jumping Spider Care will help you a lot.

Mating Needs

Every adult jumping spider has mating needs, so you are obliged to provide them with such an environment where they can conveniently mate with each other. If you want your spider to mate, you must not put two male spiders or two female spiders in a single cage.

You must put 1 male spider and 1 female in a single cage and provide them with a peaceful environment where they can fulfill their mating needs. This won’t only be fruitful for your spiders but also will enhance your spider collection.

When to Worry About Your Jumping Spider Pet?

After applying the above pet care checklist, if you face any irregular activity by your spiders, you must remain careful, because it can lead your pet to death.

If you notice these activities by you pet, be careful then:

  • If you find your spider lethargic.
  • If it does not completely eat food.
  • If your spider doesn’t perform any routine activities.
  • If it’s unable to jump anymore.

So, if you notice these things in your spider, the first thing you must do is to contact a pet care specialist, because it’s the only option that can save your pet from any inconvenience.

When to Worry About Your Jumping Spider Pet Care, caring for an tan jumping spider

To Sum Up

In the Jumping Spider Pet Care Guide, we’ve listed some important factors that you must follow to provide your spider with a healthy environment. If you yearn to keep your spider healthy and friendly, you must follow this guide. In addition, we’ve also mentioned some important activities, finding out if your pet is uncomfortable.

By following this guide, you can conveniently enhance the lifespan of your spiders up to 3 years. In short, feel free to reach us out, if you’ve any unclear questions.


Here are some questions you might want to know

By providing spider with a clean environment, a balanced and suitable diet, and completing their necessary needs, we can easily care for your pets.

Give your spider these things:

  • Crickets
  • Flies
  • Moths
  • Roaches
  • Mealworms
  • Wax Worms and others.

If you keep them in direct light, they’ll not eat any feed, so keep them away from sunlight.